Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) & Access
Positive action to address EDI and Accessibility should be embedded throughout the process of the commission. Things to consider include -
- Diversity of the project steering group.
- Artist briefs to be written in clear language and include contact details for any support required during the application process. State if there is financial support available to make reasonable adjustments to support access needs.
- Offer alternative application response methods other than written responses such as video or audio submission.
- Open call commissions should take a proactive approach to sharing the opportunity with networks that represent diverse artists and those with protected characteristics.
- Allow time for the open call to circulate - the more time the better as this will allow applicants to find out about the opportunity, take time to process and consider their response and potentially get an access worker to help them with their application.
- For direct artist appointments or invited shortlist opportunities the project lead should consider shortlisting artists who are representative of the community that will experience the work.
- Upon appointment, ask if the artist has an access document which will outline what reasonable adjustments you can facilitate to make sure the artist has equal access to work. It is recommended that you make an allowance in the budget to support reasonable adjustments.
- Ensure all marketing is inclusive, being mindful of language and visual messages and include accessibility information.
- At an early stage, plan how to minimise barriers to engaging with completed artworks to ensure everyone feels welcome in public spaces.
- The steering group should include a review of equity, inclusion and diversity within the evaluation process.
- Consider how you can make any engagement activities and events open and accessible.
- From an early stage, consider how participants and the audience will access the work. For example is the viewing area of the work accessible for a wheelchair user, could you introduce tactile elements for the visually impaired.