Funding Sources

Funding for public art commissions is normally drawn down from multiple sources

  • Existing design budgets as part of regeneration schemes (e.g. landscaping, lighting, street furniture etc).
  • Arts Council England – various strands at differing scales (Project Grants; Cultural Development Fund etc.). NB Barnsley Borough has been identified as a ‘Priority Place’ for Arts Council (2021-24), this means that Arts Council is keen to develop new opportunities for investment in the area.
  • Section 106 planning contributions - Barnsley Local Plan policy I1 Infrastructure and Planning Obligations outlines the conditions when contributions will be sought. These contributions might meet a need for new or improved provision of roads and other services, public transport, Green Infrastructure, recreation and open space facilities and infrastructure that will make Barnsley a better place such as public realm improvements, educational accommodation, affordable housing and also adequate community facilities.
  • Opportunities from the Government’s Levelling Up agenda and other sources of central government funding which may arise.
  • Trusts and Foundations (National). 
  • Trusts and Foundations (Local). 
  • Heritage - e.g. National Lottery Heritage Fund; Historic England.
  • Community - e.g. National Lottery Community Fund.
  • Health & Wellbeing – e.g. Wellcome Trust.
  • Digital / Innovation – e.g. Arts Council England.
  • Landfill Tax Credits - various schemes based on the geography of your project.
  • Local funds e.g. Town / Parish Councils.
  • Private Donation, Business sponsorship.
  • Individuals – crowdfunding, community fundraisers.