Women business owners of Eldon Street animation

We have been working to uncover some of the hidden and untold stories of Eldon Street and the Victorian Arcade. These include many stories of women business owners who have shaped the street over the past 250 years. Working with local artist Gemma Whelan, animators Monkie Ltd., and a group of Barnsley young carers, we have created a new animation showcasing some of those untold stories, which was launched for International Women’s Day 2022

Working with Vocal Eyes we also made an audio described verison of this video

A sketch of Ann Porter's shop

Learn even more about the business owners in this blog

If you have any other stories, or photographs, of women business owners on Eldon Street or
the Victorian Arcade, from any period, we would love to hear from you.
Get in touch on e-mail EldonStreetHAZ@barnsley.gov.uk or via twitter @EldonHAZ.